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    ICL 2022 and FTC 2022Conferences V4 EDUPORT presented also on ICL 2022 and FTC 20222022-11-16

  • https://saiconference.com/FTC :: FTC 2022 in Vancouver
  • https://www.icl-conference.org/:: ICL 2022 in Vienna
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    CECIISConferences Presentation on CECIIS 20222022-10-16

    CECIIS 2022 – 33rd Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Conference theme: Smart Industry in post Covid-19 society 21 - 23 September, 2022 / organized by Faculty of Organization and Informatics / Dubrovnik, Croatia
    EDUCON Conferences Presentation on EDUCON 20222022-10-16

    EDUCON2022 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference "Digital Transformation for Sustainable Engineering Education"
    EDULEARNConferences Presentation on EDULEARN 20222022-10-16

    EDULEARN 2022 – 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Palma de Mallorca (Spain). 4th - 6th of July, 2022
    ICECETConferences Presentation on ICECET 20222022-10-16

    ICECET 2022 – International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). July 20-21-22, 2022, Prague
    ICL 2022 Conferences Presentation on ICL 20222022-10-16

    ICL 2022 – "Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition" 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning 51st IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy
    Paper for EDUCON 2022: Presentation - Wednesday, 30/Mar/2022: 8:30am - 10:30am ConferencesArea 1: Infrastructure and Technologies for Engineering Education: Future-oriented and personalized educational concepts in engineering2022-01-20

    : https://www.conftool.com/educon/sessions.php :: 
    The Universal IT Support Design for Engineering Education
    Stefan Svetsky1, Oliver Moravcik2, Dariusz Mikulowski1
    1: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic; 
    2: 3 Faculty of Sciences, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland
    L18: Educational concepts in engineering 
    --- Session Topics: Future-oriented and personalized educational concepts in engineering 
    Time: Wednesday, 30/Mar/2022: 8:30am - 10:30am   Virtual location: Online Webex 2
    ICECET 2021 Program - HCI: Svetsky, MoravcikConferences Svetsky and Moravcik presents 10.12 outputs from the V4 project V5+ACARDC in HCI category2021-12-07

    International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed international conference that provides a forum for the exchange of latest technical information,... Conference Page
    ICECET Conference Program 9-10.12.2021
    V4+ACARDC Paper: Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference Conferences
    The Knowledge-Based Design of Educational Technology2021-10-31

    Cite this paper as:
    Svetsky S., Moravcik O., Shyshkina M., Cervenanska Z., Kotianova J. (2022) The Knowledge-Based Design of Educational Technology. In: Arai K. (eds) Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2021, Volume 3. FTC 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 360. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89912-7_58 ==>  PPT - PRESENTATION :: Celý text V4-článku je v ceste [Go]

    Link to Springer Paper

    MODEL FTC2021 - prezentácia na konferenciuConferences
    Výstupné linky vysvetľujú rozdiel medzi: Information a Knowledge Management
    Algoritmu sa môže zdať byť komplikovaný, no je to rutina zaberie rádovo desiatku minút (aj menej, ak sú súbory logiky a informaticky dobre označené)

    EDUPAKS: Spracovanie prezentácie ako Information Management a ak chcem môžem v tabuľke WPad popísať obrázky a vytvoriť didaktickejší výstup
  • Konferencia FTC2021 - jednoduchý Information Management (EDU-PACKS)
  • Konferencia FTC2021 - Knowledge management (EDU-PACKS + úpravy v tabuľke)
  • Konferencia FTC2021 - Knowledge management ! len pravé okno (vhodné pre MOBIL)
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    Records: :: 16.Oct.2024